Remotely Edit Files on Vagrant
We know we can edit files via scp
in Vim as we’ve seen in: Vim SSH.
$ vim scp://user@host//path/to/file/file.extension
Editing files on vagrant virtual machine is a little bit harder to achieve.
We can ssh
into vagrant (along with option vagrant ssh
) after adding our
ssh public key:
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/ -p 2222 vagrant@localhost
More info about this: Add SSH Public Key to Vagrant
However we can’t add these flags to scp
. So what is the solution then?
The solution is adding ssh config file as we’ve seen in SSH Config:
Host vagrantlocal
HostName localhost
Port 2222
User vagrant
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/
PasswordAuthentication no
After that we can remotely edit files:
$ vim scp://vagrantlocal//path/to/file/file.extension
All done!
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