
In order to sign in Hashicorp Vault with Github, you need create a classical PAT (Personal Access Token).

You can access the menu from Settings/Developer Settings/Personal access tokens/Tokens (classic) in Github.

This is the direct link: token settings

On the menu, click “Generate new token”, then “Generate new token (classic)”.

Give it a name, select expiration period and select minimum scopes for accessing the Vault.

Minimum scopes are:

  • repo

    • repo:status Access commit status
    • repo_deployment Access deployment status
    • public_repo Access public repositories
    • repo:invite Access repository invitations
  • admin:org

    • read:org Read org and team membership, read org projects
Vault Token

Copy the token value by clicking “Generate token”.


Don’t forget to save the token value to somewhere else; it won’t show up again.


Then go to your Vault url, select Github as a “Method” and enter the token value you copied.

Vault URL

You should now be inside the Vault.
