In the previous article gcp service account with terraform we saw how to create a GCP Service Account with Terraform. In this post we will see how to create same Service Account with a remote Github Terraform module.

The module that we’re going to use will be

So instead of adding those files in your project you can just reference this remote Terraform module.

I published the Terraform module to a Github repository,

As an example let’s create a Storage Bucket Admin Service Account again:

module "storage_service_account" {
  source = "[email protected]:serhatteker/gcp-service-account-terraform.git?ref=master"

  project_id = "some-project-id"

  account_id  = "bucket-admin"
  description = "Bucket Admin"
  roles       = ["roles/storage.admin"]

If you also need to activate related Google Service API, add gcp_service_list:

module "storage_service_account" {
  source = "[email protected]:serhatteker/gcp-service-account-terraform.git?ref=master"

  gcp_service_list = [""]
  project_id = "some-project-id"

  account_id  = "bucket-admin"
  description = "Bucket Admin"
  roles       = ["roles/storage.admin"]

Then perform the following commands on the root folder:

  • terraform init to get the plugins. You need run this just once
  • terraform plan to see the infrastructure plan
  • terraform apply to apply the infrastructure build
  • terraform destroy to destroy the built infrastructure


In order to get the outputs from this module you need to add


# ===================================================================
# Service account detail
# ===================================================================

output "email" {
  value       =
  description = "The e-mail address of the service account."

output "name" {
  value       =
  description = "The fully-qualified name of the service account."

output "account_id" {
  value       = module.storage_service_account.account_id
  description = "The unique id of the service account."

# ===================================================================
# Private key and decoded private key
# ===================================================================

output "private_key" {
  value     = module.storage_service_account.private_key
  sensitive = true

output "decoded_private_key" {
  value     = module.storage_service_account.decoded_private_key
  sensitive = true

Then run

# private_key
$ terraform output --state=terraform.tfstate private_key
# decoded_private_key
$ terraform output --state=terraform.tfstate decoded_private_key

All done!