Unknown Vim Trick
One of beautiful thing about vim
is that you can learn something even after
using 5+ years. Even though usual vim learning curve characterized like below:

This is the command I’ve been looking for a long time. I accidentally saw it on one of the ThePrimeagen video.
Let’s assume that I’m on the line 5 and want to update "_cache_update_cache"
on the line 30, to "_cache_update_current"
What I was doing: press 25jf"ci"
on Normal
mode, which means:
: down 25 linef"
: find the first occurrence of"
: change inside of"
and then write _cache_update_current
The annoying part is you have to press additional f"
every time. For a normal
user it probably means nothing, but for a vim
user it means a lot, since
“Real Vim ninjas count every keystroke”1
Therefore I was using a macro
and key binding
for this. Until now.
The trick is just press ci"
; you don’t have to press additional f"
(for an
unknown reason it works which shouldn’t). So our above command is just 25jci"
And it works with usual text objects like {, [, *, '
All done!